zondag 10 februari 2008

08 02 04 / 05

Body, bones


Inside our mind
our body

our virtual state of mind

contact architecture

moment in its self

act and assume

The skin of the earth constists of layers with properties: constant flux, unpredictable behaviour, inexhaustible diversity, and incessant rise of new features. The skin of the earth is where we live. The world is a various body with a thin crust; this crust forms the physical ground in our lives. We live in it, on it, and are rarely far away from it. We create a second skin, a partly indicative, partly mimetic expression of our relationships with the earth and the mental models we make of that relationship. The form of this expression ranges from that of a surgical operation upon the skin to a substitution for this skin.

(A+U, no. 263, August 1992)

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